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The 8 Key Employment Law Areas New York Employers Get Wrong

There are many employment regulations that are required both in New York state and by federal law. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to significant financial penalties, attorney fees, and time working through the courts. Well-defined policies and practices, on the other hand, help to minimize costs, time, and potential future government audits.

Do you want to know where your business stands with these never-ending and ever-evolving regulations, compliance, and record keeping requirements? Ethan Allen’s HR Employment Law Evaluation will show you what you’re missing. From recruiting and hiring to discipline and termination, our checklist covers the eight key areas that most New York employers get wrong.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the items on our comprehensive list. How does your business compare?

  • A standard employment application that is compliant with NY and Federal laws
  • An up-to-date employee handbook that includes the COVID-19 Federal & State Leaves & Safety policy
  • Required employment posters that are prominently displayed
  • Supervisors are trained separately on their responsibilities when dealing with harassment and discrimination issues
  • Regular audits of employee timecards to ensure compliance with wage and hour laws
  • Review of State and Federal regulations prior to terminations

Want to read the full list? Get your copy of our HR Employment Law Evaluation by completing the form below.