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Registration is now closed as this presentation has passed. If you are interested in getting more information on this topic, please call our office or email Jane Sterling.

We appreciate all the feedback we’ve received on our training seminars! Below is information for June’s topic: Handbook Essentials.

Done right, employee handbooks serve multiple functions. They provide employees with important information about a company, its practices and the working environment. They also help protect employers legally by setting clear expectations and standards that employees must comply with.

But done wrong, employee handbooks can do more harm than good. Policies that are too specific and rigid can potentially limit an employer’s flexibility when dealing with real issues. Policies that are too general make it difficult for employers to hold employees accountable for their actions and behavior. So how does an employer find the right balance?

Join us on June 21st as we will discuss required policies, suggested policies, and National Labor Relationship Act (NLRA) regulated language.

If you are interested in attending, please email Jane Sterling so we know how many people to expect. This presentation is open to the public!

*Light refreshments will be provided*

Event Information
June 21, 2018 from 2pm-3pm
60 Merritt Blvd
Suite 202
Fishkill, NY 12524

Our training presentations are always the 3rd Thursday of the month. Check our website regularly as we will update it with topics for the coming months!

Did You Know?: We offer custom trainings for current clients and non clients on any topic we’ve done before or a human resources topic of your choice!!