Hiring employees with the skills your organization needs doesn’t mean you can be completely hands-off (even for technical specialties outside of your expertise). In order for your employees’ full potential to be realized, you must guide them and help them develop their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Set your employees up for success with these […]
The Department of Labor released its final rule in May 2016 regarding changes to overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which go into effect December 1, 2016. While overtime regulations for hourly workers will remain the same (any hours beyond 40 must be paid at a rate of time and a half), […]
Going above and beyond client or customer expectations and providing the highest quality work possible can be beneficial for company branding. It can help you retain and expand business demand. To get your team to give more than the bare minimum, you need to get them to see why it’s necessary and beneficial. Have your […]
The key to employee motivation and increased productivity is often simple, inexpensive and yet commonly overlooked: appreciation. Employees who feel appreciated by their employers are more engaged and personally driven to perform for the company. Unfortunately, just 22 percent of U.S. workers reported being engaged in the workplace, according to Gallup’s 2013 State of the […]
The Affordable Care Act has left many companies trying to balance the requirements of the law without significantly impacting their bottom line. The ACA requires all companies to provide health insurance if they have 100 or more full-time employees in 2015, while that number drops to 50 or more full-time employees in 2016. For […]